Glendal Parents Group (GPG)



The Glendal Parents Group (GPG) aims to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, teaching staff and community members together, as well as assisting financially to provide facilities and equipment for the school. It also provides members with an opportunity for participation and decision-making in the school. Parents are welcome to come along to our meetings and see firsthand what is involved. We encourage everyone to participate in decision making and become an active participant in fun activities within the school community

Some of the events  that we regularly organise are:

  • Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls                
  • Family Picnic Night
  • School Disco
  • State and Federal Election BBQ and Cake Stall

The Glendal Parents Group fundraise for programs like play equipment, outdoor student activities and outdoor classroom settings. 

More information about GPG activities can be found in the weekly newsletter.




Glendal Primary School